Tereza Matějčková (1984) Czech Republic
philosopher, journalist and columnist
Tereza Matějčková is a philosopher, journalist, and columnist. Her philosophical work focuses mainly on German modern philosophy and the philosophy of religion. Her book Hegelova fenomenologie světa (Hegel’s phenomenology of the world, 2019) was published in German and Czech to great acclaim, and she won the Josef Hlávka Award for her philosophical work. She is the author of Kdo tu mluvil o vítězství? Osm cvičení ve filosofické rezignaci (Who here spoke of victory? Eight exercises in philosophical resignation, 2022). In 2024 she won the Magnesia Litera for her book Bůh je mrtev, nic není dovoleno (God is dead, nothing is allowed). For many years she was a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Since 2022 she has been working for Týdeník Echo, contributing to a number of other media outlets, and lecturing externally at universities.