The screening of the film is unfortunately cancelled due to technical reasons. In exchange, we offer a ticket to the BERG Orchestra concert or a refund via the GoOut. Tonight, instead of the screening, come experience the unique atmosphere of the festival with a dj set sounding in the DOX courtyard, by the fire, with a drink in hand.
A surprisingly “un-Kafkaesque” film portrait of Franz Kafka’s last romance
Because of the power of love, the last year of Franz Kafka's life becomes his happiest. Never before has he allowed himself to experience intimacy in the same way as now that he suffers from tuberculosis and is more than ever dependent on his overbearing family. The worldly-wise Dora Diamant accepts him as he is. And he accepts her. The two meet in 1923 on the Baltic Sea coast, where he is convalescing and she is working in a Jewish Volksheim. Together they go to Berlin and, when Franz's health deteriorates rapidly, to a sanatorium in Austria. Barely a year after they meet, he dies. The memory of their time together will shape Dora for the rest of her life.
Based on Michael Kumpfmüller’s novel, the film will have its Czech premiere at the FALL festival in collaboration with Edison Filmhub.

Drama, 2024, 98 min
Directors: Georg Maas, Judith Kaufmann
Cast: Henriette Confurius, Sabin Tambrea
Distributor: Film Europe
How much are tickets? CZK 200 | members of the DOX Club 20% discount
Screened in German with Czech subtitles.
Multifunctional hall DOX+
Poupětova 3, Praha 7
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