Petr Vizina (1967) Czech Republic
journalist, publicist, moderator and musician
Petr Vizina studied theology and currently teaches at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University. He is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Quartal, which is published by Prague City Gallery. He writes interviews, glosses, and critical commentaries for and Czech Radio. For seven years, he led the cultural newsroom of Czech Television. He is a recipient of the Josef Dobrovský Prize. Vizina has published numerous books, including the collection of interviews with Czech artists Stará garda (The old guard, 2016), the memoirs of Lydia Tischlerová Se žlutou hvězdou v prázdném kupé (With a yellow star in empty compartment, 2021), the book of interviews about spirituality Znamení neznámého (Signs of the unknown, 2021) and the book interview with artist Krištof Kintera Nad očekávání (Beyond expectations, 2022).